Charity Activities 2022

At the beginning of June 2022, Eratech had a journey to Quang Binh Province, followed annual charity activities, in addition to letting the members relax, have fun and bond with each other, the trip will be even more meaningful when we visit a land where we give our love and share to children in difficult circumstances.

Quang Binh Province is known as one of the poorest provinces of our country because of the effects of harsh climate and the remnants of wars in the past. Therefore, the life of people in here is still quite difficult compared to the general level of the whole country. After being connected to the local government, Eratech visited Tram Me Village in Chay Lap, which was located in Phuc Trach commune. Due to being a sunken region, this place always is affected by storm and flood, leading to unfavorable cultivation, people can only grow one crop per year. Although Tram Me Village has very few households, each family in there has many children, making life even more difficult.

On the occasion of International Children’s Day June 1st and summarizing a whole school year, on the last day in Quang Binh Province before leaving Chay Lap, Eratech visited Chay Lap Church to give 40 gifts to the children, overcoming difficulties to get a good achievement in year.

In addition, this program created opportunities for children of Eratech and children in there to interact and discuss with each other through games and quizzes. Although the children of Eratech is younger in age and has fewer people, it’s still not inferior, the score is very close to the other team. With intelligent, witty answers and inherent innocence, all of them give many moments of joy and laughter to adults. After the games, some children of Eratech won prizes did not hesitate to give them back to Quang Binh friends who did not receive gifts as a share.

Through charity trips, Eratech felt that their children have grown up, knowing how to give and share with friends in a more difficult situation, finding out about life, from that step to a good person. It’s probably a success and a significant meaning for each of annual company trips.

With creating and maintaining programs for community, Eratech believes that we will contribute a small part of the effort to maintain a smile for children and hope for a bright future for the children ‘s generation in Viet Nam.

“If you can not build a city, please build a pink heart. The love you give is the love can be kept forever”.